Tuesday, 13 October 2009


There will be three main locations for my short film

  • I will need a bedroom scenario, this will need to be stereotypical of a teenage boys room. It will need to be of a reasonable size so I am able to manoeuvre the camera about, or have the actor partially cut out of the frame. It will be used as the location for the opening sequence when the character wakes up. In this scene the central protagonist looks into the mirror to reveal  another character so a mirror will be needed in this location, preferably a wardrobe with and integrated mirror, so the scene can be done swiftly and with less cuts. I personally have this requirement however size is the issue, so I would prefer a bigger area to work in. 

  • Secondly comes the miss interpreted crime sequence, this will need to bet in an urban area. So it can provide inter textual references to superhero movies. So for this section there are several locations I have considered. 

  1. Firstly Burley could be used as there are secluded areas which look like an alley way, which would be good location to shoot this scene.Also its close to home so it would not be time consuming for me to get to this location, however during lesson time no filming could be done.
  2. Ilkley is the next option, because it is near to school and many of my peers live in this area so it may be more convenient for them. It will also allow me to achieve footage during school time, however its not really the ideal location as it doesn't quite have the urban image that I am looking for.
  3. Finally Leeds would be the ideal location, as there are plenty of quite urban areas for filming to be underwent. But again I wont be able to get any footage during lesson time as it require a twenty minute journey. Also it may be embarrassing for the actors to perform in such an open area. So I may just use footage in a point of view shot to give the image of the character walking around instead of filming an actor.

  • In the final sequence I will need a hospital corridor or some form of corridor that has a medical aesthetic. If I can't access this then I will settle for the school corridors as in the stair wells your able to get the shot I require. As I want to show the character running down a corridor and ending back in the same place he started.
Due to time strains and weather the Burley location was not suitable. Instead I opted for an alley way in the town of Ilkley, this was much more convenient as it portrayed the exact feel I was looking for and provided easy access for all of the cast to meet up.

All images in this post are either taken from a camera or are screen shots taken from my film. However one image was take from a Google search which is the image of Brigate Street Leeds.


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